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守株待兔英语四级翻译:守株待兔:await a windfall 从前,有个农夫正在地里耕作,突然看见只免子飞奔而过,撞在一棵大树上死了。农夫毫不费力就吃到了兔肉,心里非常高兴。他想,“如果总是这样该多好啊!”于是,不再


wait every day under the tree , in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk。“守株待兔”英文翻译:相传在战国时代宋国,有一个农民,日出而作,日落而息。遇到好年景,也不过刚刚

2、守株待兔的英语翻译 守株待兔用英语怎么说

本质上和“不劳而获”类似:wait for gains without pains


wait for windfalls 金山词霸 Stupid lacking innovation 金山快译


守株待兔 [词典] wait every day under the tree, in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk; stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare -- one who sticks to his folly

5、英语翻译 请用英文写出(守株待兔)这一成语的内容

守株待兔:(后面有其中文意思)Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against ItThis story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C..


守株待兔英语翻译,守株待兔英语翻译故事加中文  第1张

【成语注音】:ㄕㄡˇ ㄓㄨ ㄉㄞˋ ㄊㄨˋ 【通用拼音】:shǒu zhū dai tu 【拼音简写】:SZDT 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:守株待兔,


Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against It This story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C.).Tradition has it that in


守株待兔英语翻译,守株待兔英语翻译故事加中文  第2张

守株待兔: [ shǒu zhū dài tù ]1. trust to chance and luck in one's actions, hope for gains without pains 2. wait for windfalls


守株待兔能用于褒义,只要掌握了规律,在兔子必经之道上栽几棵树等兔子撞,也是可以的。比如某地是日军必经之地,我们只要在此做好准备,守株待兔即可。 9. 求守株待兔用英语翻译整篇故事 a tuzi touch a tree . yun diao le. a